Jaime Granados

Division Chief, Investment & Trade, Inter-American Development Bank

Trade and Investment Division Chief at the Inter-American Development Bank. Mr. Granados works for the Bank since 1998. He supervises the generation, execution and monitoring of trade, investment and integration operations in Latin America and the Caribbean. Mr. Granados provides technical assistance and training to governments and other stakeholders on issues of trade, investment, and economic integration. Before coming to the Bank, he served as Director General for Trade Policy at the Ministry of Foreign Trade of Costa Rica. For four years he taught a course on The Law and Policy of Trade and Integration in the Americas at the Georgetown University Law Center (2004-2008). He holds a Law Degree from the University of Costa Rica; a Master of Laws from the University of Georgia; and a Master of Public Policy from Oxford University. Jaime has published or edited several books and articles on trade and integration