Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda

Minister without Portfolio, Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation

At 37 years old, Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda has successfully pursued several interests including in the civic, political and commercial fields. These pursuits have contributed to his profound appreciation for global sustainability advocacy. Minister Samuda has many passions and during the course of his career, has worked in the fields of Entertainment, Marketing and Project Management since his teenaged years. His deep regard for Jamaica’s environment led him to be a founding partner of the island’s first full-service recycling company, One Jamaica Recycling, which processes waste material for export and in turn, saves our natural environment. Minister Samuda sold his stake in One Jamaica Recycling in 2010, but has been consistent in his advocacy for environmental preservation and protection. In 2016, he tabled a private members’ motion in the Jamaican Parliament which led to a ban on single-use plastic and “Styrofoam” in 2019.

As a marketer, Minister Samuda has worked in some of the most dynamic environments in the Jamaican business sector including:
– Red Stripe
– Advertising & Marketing Jamaica Ltd
– Wray & Nephew
– Facey Commodity and Seprod Group

He has also been involved in volunteerism, working with young people, and has a reputation as being reliable, trustworthy and diligent among his peers. His passion for service to the country and its people, as well as his commitment to being a voice for the younger generation led him to accept the Presidency of Generation 2000 in March 2015.

His record of service includes:
– President of Campion College Student Council 2002
– Service to the National Student Council Interim Management Committee 2001
– Vice President of G2K, 2011 – 2014.
– Service on the board of Directors for the Agriculture Investment Corporation in 2011.

Service as a member of various JLP bodies and committees, inclusive of:
– Standing Committee
– Central Executive
– Public Relations Committee

Minister Samuda was also in charge of the social media marketing efforts of the Jamaica Labour Party, the G2K as well as that of Prime Minister the Most Hon. Andrew Holness. Minister Samuda considers his appointment to the Upper House of Parliament to serve as a Senator to be his most significant political accomplishment to date. He was also appointed to the Cabinet of Jamaica, which is the executive arm of the State. In his role as Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Minister Samuda has responsibility for the portfolios of Water, Environment, Climate Change and the Blue and Green Economy.